Designed for children from birth through Kindergarten to socialize with others, explore their creativity, and develop motor skills, Little Town is a great place to bring your children. To keep everyone safe there are some rules and expectations we ask everyone to follow.
- Always stay with your child/children. The library is a public place and it is not safe to leave them alone.
- Children should never climb on or get inside furniture. Treat the library furniture as carefully as you would treat your furniture at home.
- Part of play is putting things away. Help your child learn respect for the toys and the space and return items to where they belong.
- This is a library. We encourage imaginative play, but we can’t allow disruptive or rude behavior.
- To encourage and reward your child to help clean up the library after they play, stop by the Kids and Teens desk on the second floor for a sticker before you leave.
Little Makers
Coloring is an important part of early childhood education. It encourages creativity, develops hand strength and focus, practices the pincher grip necessary for writing, and improves fine motor skills. Visit the Little Makers corner for regularly changing activities.
Little Makers Home Activities
Stop by Little Town to pick up a calendar of low or no cost activities you can do at home with your child to practice early learning skills. Ideal for toddlers and preschool age children.