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Parents and caregivers are a baby's and toddler's first and most important teacher. There are 5 practices every parent or caregiver can do to help prepare their young child for learning to read. Visit here for more information.

  1. Talk: Children are learning even before they are able to speak. Talk to your child as you complete tasks throughout the day from getting them dressed in the morning to preparing meals, to giving a bath in the evening. As they learn to speak, listen, repeat, and extend the conversation.
  2. Sing: Songs often slow down our speech so children are better able to hear the sounds that make up a word. Understanding that words are made up of different sounds will help your child begin to read written words. Sing nursery rhymes, alphabet songs, and clap along to rhythms.
  3. Read: Sharing a book with a child is the most important thing a caregiver can do to prepare a child for learning to read. Children learn how words move across a page, increase vocabulary, and develop an interest in reading while sharing a book with a trusted caregiver.
  4. Write: Writing begins with scribbles so provide your child opportunities to draw and write. Ask what they drew and write a caption of what they tell you. This type of activity helps a child see the connection between spoken and written language.
  5. Play: Through play, children learn that spoken and written words stand for real objects and learn to express themselves creatively by making up stories. The narrative stories created while playing help a child understand that stories have a beginning, middle, and end.

Parenting Packs

These sets address milestones, new experiences, and day-to-day situations for both parent and child. Each Parenting Pack comes with books for caregivers and children, along with resource guides, activities, and toys to help little ones learn and explore. Check availability.

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