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Library associate Marquita

Checkout Periods

Auto Renew

Items will automatically be renewed two days before an item is due. Items will not automatically renew if there is a hold or the maximum number of renewals (2) has been reached. You will receive a courtesy notice if the item did not renew.

Six-Week Checkout

  • Book Club to Go

Three-Week Checkout

  • All books
  • Audiobooks (except trending)
  • Playways
  • Trending books
  • Pre-loaded Kindles and audiobook tablets
  • Book bags

    Guests may request a 6-week vacation loan on 3-week items upon checkout. Note: Vacation loans do not apply to the Trending collection.

Two-Week Checkout

  • Trending audiobooks
  • Magazines and bookazines
  • DVDs and Blu Rays adult and kids (not new)
  • Music CDs
  • Kits, packs, bundles, launchpads, and  K& T tablets
  • Console games (not new)
  • Board games and puzzles


One-Week Checkout

  • All new DVDs and Blu Rays
  • New console games
  • Roku players
  • Library of Things
  • Vinyl collection

Indian Prairie Public Library does not charge daily overdue fines for most items returned late. This includes books, DVDs, CDs, and magazines.

The exceptions are:

  • Roku players
  • Library of Things
  • Kits, launchpads, packs, bundles, and tablets
  • Pre-loaded Kindles and audiobook tablets
  • All console games

    These items have an overdue fine of $1 per day. Please note that your card will be blocked under the following circumstances:
  • Once an item is 14 days overdue, your card will be blocked from checking out other materials until the item is returned or renewed.
  • Once a total of $5 in fines and fees, of any type, is reached the library card will be blocked until the fines/fees are paid.
  • If materials are lost or damaged, you are still responsible for replacement and processing costs. Your card is blocked until those costs are paid.


  • You can pay online through your library account or at the Guest Services Desk.
  • We accept cash, checks, and credit cards (Visa, Discover, and MasterCard) 


We offer three ways to receive your hold and overdue notices:

  • Email
  • Text
  • Automated phone call

Text is the only option you can opt in or out of in your account. If you want to change your preference, call the library at 630/887-8760.

We send overdue notices at 7 days and 21 days overdue. Once an item is 42 days overdue you will be billed for replacement and processing costs.


I returned an item last night, and it still shows on my record. Why?

During busy times, it may take a day or two (or longer after holiday closings) to check in items. However, we are very careful to make sure the system reflects the actual date the item was returned. 

Why does my record say an item is still checked out, and I owe money when I returned it?

If an item has not been checked in, the system will show the projected fine. Once the item is checked in, the system will show the date it was returned.

Can I borrow items without my library card?

A patron may use an ID with their current address to check out materials. Over the phone, patron information will not be given out without the patron's library card number and full name.

I think I returned an item, but it is still checked out to me. What do I do?

Call the library immediately at 630/887-8760 to let us know. We will check the shelves to see if the item is there. If we don't find it, we will check again and ask you to check again. We will work with you to resolve any problems.

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