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  • Darien Arts Council - The council's mission is to support, create, develop, and implement projects in music, theatre, and the fine arts in the Darien community.
  • Darien Chamber of Commerce - The chamber is ready to assist with membership and business needs. We will do our best to help to connect to the community. 1702 Plainfield Rd, Darien, IL, 60561, 630/568-0004
  • Darien Garden Club - A place for you to learn and explore all things gardening and outdoors! 
  • Darien Historical Society- Collects and preserves archives and artifacts relating to the history of Darien and to serve as a resource for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and other interested persons.
  • Darien Lions Club - The current major service commitment of Lions Clubs International is the prevention and reversal of blindness. 
  • Darien Rotary Club - Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. 
  • Darien VFW Memorial Post 2838 - The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is a non-profit veterans’ service organization comprised of combat veterans and eligible military service members from the active, Guard and Reserve forces.
  • Darien Woman's Club - A non-profit organization that promotes charitable endeavors, cultural improvements, civic pride, and unity among the women of the City of Darien and surrounding communities.
  • Darien Youth Club - A volunteer run non-profit that was formed by parents to serve the children of Darien and surrounding areas through sports. 1702 Plainfield Rd, Darien, IL 60561, 630/205-0202
  • Safety Village of Darien - A non-profit organization that offers safety classes for children. 
  • Willowbrook-Burr Ridge Chamber of Commerce - Membership in the Willowbrook / Burr Ridge, Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides a unique opportunity for people with common interests to interact, exchange ideas and discuss areas of interest and concern. 
  • Willowbrook-Burr Ridge Kiwanis- We help out with the shelter and handicapped ramp for local park, Little League scoreboard, Special Park equipment for children, special contributions to Kiwanis Twin Lakes Camp for handicapped children, and fulfilling special requests for needy families. 

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