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Indian Prairie Public Library is interviewing long-time residents of the community. These shared experiences reveal the diversity of ages, cultures, and backgrounds of the members of the community and allow people to feel connected to one another. The stories also create a picture of what life is like today and how it has changed and is continuing to change. Future generations will be able to view these interviews and gain an understanding of how the community has evolved.

If you or someone you know would like to be interviewed, please contact Joe Popowitch at 630/887-8760 ext. 240.

Burr Ridge

Bulthuis, J. Transcript Audio Pictures


Brown, Lillian Transcript Audio Pictures
Courtney, Rose Transcript Audio {gallery id=courtney layout=hidden}learning-research/local-history/courtney{/gallery}{gallery link=courtney}Pictures{/gallery}
Hahn, Jeanette Transcript Audio Pictures
Kalny, Elmer & Diana Transcript Audio Pictures
Kampwirth, Robert Transcript Audio Pictures
Kampwith, Patricia Transcript Audio Pictures
Kieras, Debbie Transcript Audio Pictures
Norris, Bobbie Transcript Audio Pictures


Jung, Ron Transcript Audio Pictures

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