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write-on sponsored by the gift of carl foundation

Write-On Competition for Grades 4-12

Looking for a way to showcase your writing skills? Want to win cash prizes? Then, submit your entry to Write-On!  There are three levels of competition: Grades 4–6, 7–8, and 9–12. Every level has two categories for submission: "Short Stories" and "Poetry." Submissions for the 2024 competition open on Monday, Oct. 7, and close on Wednesday, Oct. 30. 

As part of Write-On, we host an author event, where we announce the winners of the competition. Write-On is generously sponsored by the Gift of Carl Foundation.

About the Author

Misa Sugiura Headshot

An Evening with Misa Sugiura
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 7-8 p.m.

A night for kids grades 4-12 and adults. Even if you didn't enter the contest, you're invited to attend. 

Misa Sugiura writes middle-grade and YA fiction and grew up in Chicago. Her first YA novel, It’s Not Like It’s A Secret, won the Asian Pacific Islander American Librarians’ Association’s Award for Young Adult Literature, and the second book in her middle-grade series,  Momo Arashima Breaks the Mirror of the Sun, was released in February.


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